Silicosis and asbestosis are diseases that workers can contract from breathing in certain types of dust at their jobs. Silicosis is common among people who work in mining, sandblasting or rock drilling due to their exposure to silica dust. This dust can damage and...
Workplace Illnesses
Mesothelioma: A work injury that attacks years later
You might remember commercials on the television discussing the dangers of mesothelioma, or you may recall hearing about the risks of asbestos. Regardless of how you came to know about mesothelioma, it's important to know why it's such a big deal.Mesothelioma is a...
Companies: Using genetic information against employees is illegal
Genetics have changed many things about how we grow. You now can find out if you have debilitating diseases before they strike, and you can see if you're predisposed to problems like cancer or other diseases or disorders. This is beneficial in a medical light, but...
Silicosis: The lung disease lurking at work
One lung disease you may have been exposed to if you work with sand or quartz is known as silicosis. This disease affects workers who have been exposed to silica dust in the workplace. Usually, it's those who work in glass manufacturing, foundries or mining that have...
Firefighters face more dangers than just burns
Firefighters have one of the most dangerous jobs in America. They work directly with hazards that they expect to see in the workplace every day. They aim to save lives and to reduce damage to structures; they perform tasks of all types, from home inspections for fire...
Are workplace accidents prominent in North Carolina?
In 2015, there were over 74,000 nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses in North Carolina's private industry. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that was 2.6 workers per 100 full-time workers, a relatively high rate, though lower than the national...
What you should know about musculoskeletal conditions
Workplace injuries cost employers money and cause employees to suffer. Fortunately, some injuries can be reduced or eliminated with the use of ergonomics in the workplace.Americans spend around 2,000 hours a year at work, so workplaces need to be a safe, ergonomic...
Your employer should work to protect employees from harm
The most common occupational illnesses in the U.S. include falls, musculoskeletal injuries and those from overexertion. Fractures, lacerations and other work-related injuries are also common.It's your employer's responsibility to make sure as few accidents happen as...
Can you seek compensation for common illnesses in the workplace?
There are many kinds of workplace illnesses that can result in you having to miss work, from common illnesses like the flu or a cold to serious illnesses such as cancer caused by exposure to toxins. Even the most common workplace illnesses could result in a workers'...
Workplace illnesses you could face working in construction
Suffering an injury on the job is a painful reminder of the reason safety protocols are in place. However, they weren't always, and not every workplace is as safe as it should be. Here's a few examples of the ways that you could be hurt on the job if your employer...