For Injured

Lawyer For Injured Workers

Your employer should work to protect employees from harm

On Behalf of | Nov 30, 2016 | Firm News, Workplace Illnesses

The most common occupational illnesses in the U.S. include falls, musculoskeletal injuries and those from overexertion. Fractures, lacerations and other work-related injuries are also common.

It’s your employer’s responsibility to make sure as few accidents happen as possible. This can be achieved by providing important information on safety requirements to workers as well as making sure they are properly trained to do their jobs.

In 2010, it was shown that nearly 47 out of 10,000 workplace injuries and illnesses were a result of sprains, strains and tears. These are often caused by overexertion. For instance, a worker who puts in 60 hours a week doing repetitive motions would be more likely to suffer injuries than one who works 20 hours a week doing the same tasks.

Overexertion in lifting injuries make up around 13.2 injuries out of the total 27 injuries per 10,000 workers. These injuries are also likely to be caused by pushing the body too hard. It’s important to know when a task requires two or more people or when machinery should be used to move an item.

Another injury to look out for is a musculoskeletal injury. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 34.3 of 10,000 on-the-job injuries are related to musculoskeletal injuries of the back, wrists and other parts of the body.

Employers should always know how much work employees are putting in and make an effort to reduce the risk of injury in the workplace. If you suffer an injury or illness, workers’ compensation benefits may apply to your case, so you can get the support you need to seek medical attention. Our website has more information.

