For Injured

Lawyer For Injured Workers

Common workplace injuries and illnesses in North Carolina

On Behalf of | Jun 17, 2016 | Firm News, Workplace Illnesses

Getting hurt at work is a common concern, but there are a few injuries that stand out. Some types of injuries are more likely to happen than others, like overexertion or sprains.

Overexertion is a concern among workers, and is one of the top 10 most common occupational illnesses. It’s been reported that 27 out of 10,000 workplace injuries and illnesses are caused by overexertion. Strain-related conditions are much more common when positions demand many hours of work, like in cases where nurses spend 12 or more hours working shifts at a hospital or when nursing care facilities have overnight and double-shift workers. Overexertion is more commonly a result of lifting more than you can handle, with more than 13 out of 27 cases reported being a result of lifting too much.

Musculoskeletal disorders are another common workplace illness. They take place in around 34 out of 10,000 work-related incidents. These disorders can include things like carpal tunnel, back injuries and others. For example, a writer who produces 100,000 words a month may experience carpal tunnel related to the overuse of the fingers, angle of the wrist, and so on.

Sprains, strains, and tears are the most common workplace injuries, causing nearly 47 people out of every 10,000 injuries. In most cases, the injuries are a result of workers overexerting themselves. Thirty-six percent of the injuries are to the back, and injuries to the shoulders caused the most time to be taken off from work.

Any time injuries are caused by work-related events, you may be able to claim workers’ compensation. Your attorney can help you if your case is denied or if you feel you aren’t receiving the help you deserve from your employer or insurance carrier.

Source: Online College, “10 Most Common Occupational Illnesses in the U.S.,” accessed June 17, 2016

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