It only takes one unfortunate incident such as a car crash, bar room brawl or fall at work to cause a traumatic brain injury (TBI).
There are a number of possibilities for treatment in limiting the secondary effects that result in changes to people’s ability to think, move and behave as they did before.
Recent medical research on mice suggests that delivering brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) to the brain could help.
What can BDNF do?
The research with mice found that BDNF can help the brain create new neurons. Neurons are the messengers of the brain, sending the vital commands that allow us to function between different areas of the brain and between the brain and the rest of the body.
When neurons are damaged due to a TBI, those messages cannot be exchanged, causing a deterioration in the brain and body’s ability to function. Helping the brain create new neurons should improve the message-sending ability once more.
The problem is that getting BDNF to the brain is not that easy
This is where the nanoparticles could help. The study found that because nanoparticles are so tiny, they can breach the barrier that limits what can get into the brain from the bloodstream. Hence medical staff should be able to target BDNFs to the part of the brain that needs them.
If you suffer a TBI, you may need massive compensation for the effect it has on your life, even if this technology is proven to work on humans. They are complex claims so consider legal help to file.