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What injury risks do you face in your local big-box store?

On Behalf of | Mar 6, 2021 | Uncategorized

Most Americans head out to their local Walmart, Target or another big-box store over the weekend to get all the things they need for the week. These retail establishments are often crowded, especially on the weekends, around the holidays and when good sales are happening.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that this is when unexpected accidents are likely to happen. You should note the potential dangers that exist in these environments to minimize your chances of suffering potentially life-threatening injuries yourself.

How common are big-box store injuries?

One statistic shows that at least 5,000 consumers reported injuries at Walmart, one of the largest big-box stores, every year. Another statistic shows that the highest number of big-box store customer injuries occur on Black Friday.

What are some of the everyday dangers big-box store consumers face?

It can be challenging managing everything that happens in an establishment as large as some of the big-box stores that exist. It’s not uncommon for individuals to slip and fall on a mat as they enter a store or if a spill occurs. Items may become dislodged and fall off the top shelf onto a customer’s head. Customers may also find themselves struck by a shopping cart or vehicle or assaulted by someone as they approach their car in the parking lot.

What are some dangers shoppers face at certain times of the year?

One of the more pressing dangers that store leadership has trouble handling is managing crowds when big sales are happening. Many retail establishments that have found it challenging to manage crowds in the past have turned to staggering promotions rollouts or requiring customers to pre-purchase items online. Many stores have hired security guards to help control crowds as well.

What should you do if you suffered an injury at a big-box store?

A store owner must keep their premises reasonably safe, no matter how many customers they serve. A personal injury attorney here in Greensboro will want can help you determine if you have a viable claim against a negligent company.

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