Accidents happen, and if you’ve suffered an injury while working in North Carolina, you may be eligible for lost wage compensation. This compensation is provided to you when you have missed over seven days of work due to an injury that took place on the job. This payment isn’t due to you until you miss at least seven days of work, and those days won’t be paid to you unless you end up with a disability that exceeds 21 days. In that case, the payment for those days will be added to the second benefits check.
If you are going to be receiving financial compensation from workers’ compensation for lost wages, you need to understand how it’s calculated. The income you will receive is calculated at two-thirds of your average weekly wage. The maximum you can receive each week is $978 based on the 2017 maximum recently approved by the government.
You can continue to receive these benefits on a weekly basis until you are able to return to work and resume your job. If you are unable to return to work, you may be entitled to permanent disability payments, which are calculated in the same way. Other forms of payments may also be available.
In order to obtain these benefits, you’ll need to show that you suffered an accident at work. Your employer should acknowledge your claim for compensation. If he or she refuses to do so, you can appeal any denial for compensation that you receive and work with your attorney to make sure you get all that you’re owed.
Source: North Carolina Industrial Commission, “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs),” accessed Nov. 24, 2016