For Injured

Lawyer For Injured Workers

Revisiting the basics of North Carolina workers’ compensation

On Behalf of | Sep 7, 2015 | Firm News, Workers' Compensation

We often discuss many of the issues surrounding workers’ compensation in this blog — issues like types of injuries and the environmental situations that may lead up to an accident. Occasionally, we like to revisit the basics of workers’ compensation for any readers who may have no previous experience with workplace injuries.

The first thing you should know if you have been injured in the workplace is that you may be legally entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits are there to cover any medical expenses related to your injuries and to replace some of the wages you may lose from missing work during your recovery. While workers’ comp laws prohibit you from suing your employer, it is possible to file a lawsuit against a third party that may have contributed to the accident that caused your injuries.

Many workplace injuries cause employees to miss work for extended periods. In North Carolina, these severe types of injuries are often associated with manufacturing or construction. Workers’ compensation may cover the injured worker’s short-term needs but it can also cover ongoing disability payments in the right circumstances.

Workers who become totally disabled due to an injury on the job can also receive long-term benefits through workers’ compensation. These benefits typically come with at least some limitations, which a workers’ compensation attorney can help victims understand and prepare for.

One more important thing to know about North Carolina workers’ compensation is that the filing requirements are quite precise. As such, some workers’ compensation claims may be denied. However, injured workers should not abandon their attempts to receive benefits. Instead, they should consider consulting with an attorney about their case.

You can get more information about the North Carolina workers’ compensation process by visiting the website of attorney Jay Gervasi.

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